Morning Physical Activity is Good for the Heart

Recent research has revealed that engaging in physical activity in the morning can significantly decrease the risk of stroke and heart disease. This study highlights that individuals who allocate their workouts during early hours are in a favorable position. The benefits of exercise on one’s cardiac health have already been established, but this novel study specifically pinpoints morning activity as the most advantageous.

The study was conducted using a sample of 86,657 adults aged between 42 to 78, all without pre-existing cardiovascular illness, and having worn an activity tracker for seven continuous days. The participants’ incidents of cardiovascular disease were carefully monitored, including hospital admissions and deaths connected to coronary artery disease or stroke.

Following age and sex adjustments, the study revealed that individuals who engaged in high levels of physical activity during the early or late morning had significantly lower risks of developing coronary artery disease. Specifically, their risk was reduced by 11 to 16 percent. Additionally, those who were most active during the late morning presented a decreased risk of stroke of 17 percent compared to a control group. When gender was analyzed as a separate factor, the association between physical activity and decreased risk of disease was more pronounced in women than in men.

As an observational study, they were unable to decisively determine why the linkages were more pronounced in women. Nevertheless, the results contribute to the growing body of evidence supporting the positive effects of physical activity on health. Specifically, engaging in physical activity during the morning hours – particularly later in the morning – may offer the greatest advantages.

During a 6-8 year follow-up period, approximately 2,911 individuals developed coronary artery disease and 796 had a stroke. Comparing activity times across participants, those who demonstrated a peak activity period between 8 and 11 a.m. displayed the lowest risk for both heart disease and stroke.

These findings suggest a positive correlation between morning physical activity and cardiovascular health, particularly in women.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Morning physical activity is associated with the lowest risk of heart disease and stroke