Vitamin A Can Improve and Lengthen Life

There are actions all of us can take in an effort to boost our odds for a long life. Some of these are staying active, getting plenty of sunlight, having a sleep rountine, eating healthy and keeping up a good mood.

The foods that we eat play a significant role at boosting your life expectancy or taking a toll on it. New research has shown that eating foods that have a high concentration of Vitamin A is associated with living longer.

For the study, the team looked at a variety of different circulating metabolites which are products of reactions in a person’s metabolism. The role that antioxidants play were also studied. These are molecules that fight off potentially free radicals that can do harm to a person’s body. They compared the presence of these to information about the participant’s lifespan.

They did not find any association between Vitamins E or C and a few others on life expectancy. But they did find that the higher concentration of Vitamin A consumed over a long time period, the more likely a person was to live longer. This link means that people with more Vitamin A in their body has an effect on their longevity.

The results cannot be generalized as the study looked at participants of European descent. They also did not distinguish whether the participants were consuming their Vitamin A through foods they ate or from supplements. The team suggests that persons eating a diet full of vitamin rich foods does not necessarily need to add a supplement.

Vitamin A is needed to maintain youthful skin, healthy hair, and better sight. It also ensures your immune and reproductive systems are working well. Some research even suggests that vitamin A might help prevent cancer and macular degeneration per information from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Overall, it is important to consume vegetables and fruits that are good sources of Vitamin A such as broccoli, cantaloupe, bell peppers, leafy greens, sweet potatoes and carrots.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Association between Circulating Antioxidants and Longevity: Insight from Mendelian Randomization Study