The Alarming Link between Nano-plastics, Parkinsons and Dementia

The seemingly harmless plastic water bottle you consume from on a regular basis has the potential to turn into minuscule particles that can cause harm to your brain. Recent research reveals the concerning discovery that nanoplastics, which are tiny particles derived from common plastic products, are capable of attaching themselves to proteins linked to Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia. These insidious nanoparticles have already infiltrated our soil, water, and food, and they could be the catalyst behind the rising prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases.

This research demonstrated that these nanoparticles have the ability to bind to alpha-synuclein, a protein closely associated with the development of these conditions. Notably, this interaction was observed not only in test tubes and cultured neurons, but also in live mouse models, providing strong evidence of the link between plastic and protein accumulation.

Perhaps the most astonishing revelation from the study was the formation of strong bonds between the plastic nanoparticles and alpha-synuclein within neuron lysosomes. Lysosomes, known as the “cellular cleanup crew,” are organelles responsible for breaking down waste and debris using powerful enzymes.

The evidence suggests nanoplastics are not confined to our environment alone. They have been found in indoor air as well. Inhalation of these particles allows them to bypass the respiratory tract and enter our bloodstream and brain, elevating the risk of developing cancer.

Discovering nanoplastics as a potentially harmful substance is just the tip of the iceberg. We also need to be aware of the existence of other toxins like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that have been linked to Parkinson’s disease. Shockingly, even though PCBs were banned over four decades ago, they can still be found in 30 percent of U.S. schools. Recent research has found high concentrations of PCBs in the brains of deceased individuals who had Parkinson’s disease, indicating a concerning presence of these pollutants in our educational institutions.

It is crucial for us to thoroughly investigate this toxic threat in our classrooms, conducting tests for PCBs and taking remedial action. Furthermore, it is alarming to note that other toxins associated with Parkinson’s disease remain in use, despite the EPA’s proposal to ban dry cleaning chemicals and pesticides that have been linked to a staggering 500% increased risk of developing the disease.

Preventing Parkinson’s disease may be more achievable than we once thought. The research has shown that our environments play a significant role in the rise of Parkinson’s cases. Both laboratory experiments and population studies have provided compelling evidence that demands our attention. Although further investigation is necessary, it is crystal clear that our environment plays a vital role in fueling this concerning trend.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Anionic nanoplastic contaminants promote Parkinson’s disease–associated ?-synuclein aggregation