Boost Your Chances of a Successful Surgery

Surgeons have the crucial responsibility of ensuring that the patients entering their operating rooms are suitable candidates for the upcoming surgery. Although surgery is inherently unpredictable, certain lifestyle choices have been found to enhance outcomes.

To identify those who may respond best to surgery, some surgeons use assessment models that can predict potential risks. Additionally, many surgeons provide patients with helpful tips on how to improve their health prior to undergoing surgery. Various hospitals, naturopaths, functional doctors, and organizations offer assistance in preparing for surgery. However, the key to effectively reducing negative effects of surgery lies in patients who are committed to optimizing their health for the procedure. Imagine an operation that puts as much strain on your body as running a 5-kilometer race at full speed. Just like preparing for a race, it’s only logical for patients to prepare for surgery.

Achieving positive surgical outcomes is crucial for improving patients’ quality of life and overall functionality after their operation. While hospitals tend to prioritize cost-cutting, preoperative programs play a vital role in guiding patients towards positive changes that can significantly impact their lives. In some cases, these programs may even enable patients to delay or reconsider the need for surgery altogether.

Discoveries from 76 trials indicate that behavioral interventions prior to surgery can significantly reduce the length of hospital stay by 1.5 days. The most astonishing results were seen in smoking cessation. This review also explored interventions for alcohol use, dietary habits and physical activity. What’s even more impressive is that positive smoking outcomes were maintained even 12 months after surgery, showing the potential for long-term behavioral change. While there were no differences in pre-surgical body mass index (BMI), only four studies focused on weight loss. However, for many surgeries, having a BMI over 40 (considered morbidly obese) can lead to serious complications. In fact, for hip and knee replacement surgeries, weight loss is often a prerequisite, sometimes resulting in patients having to postpone or cancel their surgeries.

Boost your health for surgery with these top tips: improve nutrition, ditch bad habits, check your medications, see your doctor, stay active, and communicate your preferences. Plus, don’t forget to have a risk assessment and get evaluated for delirium. And for a healthy mind, keep a gratitude journal. Positive attitudes lead to better surgery outcomes.

To view the original scientific study click below:
The effect of preoperative behaviour change interventions on pre- and post-surgery health behaviours, health outcomes, and health inequalities in adults: A systematic review and meta-analyses