
Memex 100TM Provides Anti-Aging Support for a Healthy Brain

Memex 100TM is our second innovative multi-pathway product to rejuvenate the body and slow the aging process. Patent-pending Memex 100TM adds support for memory, clear thinking, and coordination that often decline with age. Like Stem Cell 100TM it has been scientifically formulated to help you feel and function as a younger you by acting on longevity pathways.

Memex 100TM, Stem Cell 100TM and Stem Cell 100+TM are all versions of the same nutraceutical. We recommend you select one of the 3 depending upon which fits your personal needs. For even better protection against aging add TeloMaxTM and/or RenuTM.

The function of the neural system declines with age. Older people typically respond, remember, and move slower than do younger people. The question is: Can this normal neural decline with age be slowed or even stopped? At Life Code, we believe that our new herbal supplement Memex 100TM offers the potential to slow the decline in youthful levels of neural function, memory, and coordination as you age. This belief is based on the science and research behind Memex 100TM.

Developed by experts in the anti-aging field, Memex 100TM was created using genetic and computer intelligence systems to select natural substances that support longevity and optimal neuronal function with age. The selected substances were then rigorously tested in model animal systems to identify a mix of substances that acts on multiple longevity genes and synergistically improved neural function with age.

In the Figure below, we compare crawl times for Drosophila groups with a Normal Group (dashed blue line) or with a Weakened Group (solid blue line) neural function. The crawl times were measured in seconds that the Drosophila took to crawl from the bottom of a test tube to the top as a function of age. As expected, all Drosophila groups take longer to crawl up the side of the tube as a function of increasing age. Just like humans, Drosophila move slower with age. One can also see that the Weakened Group has much slower crawl times as a function of age. However, if we treat the Weakened Group with Memex100TM, the Memex-treated Weakened Group (solid red line) had nearly as fast crawl times at each age as did the Normal Control Group. These assays are significant, as the plotted lines are the averages of 200 individuals for each of the 3 groups (100 individuals of each sex).

Drosophila Crawl Test with Memex 100

The above results are dramatic and show that Memex 100TM is potent in normalizing neural function in Drosophila. Memex 100TM is also likely to work in humans, because most of the eight individual components have shown efficacy in improving human neural functions.

Harness the Power of Your Neural Stem Cells

All the organs and differing tissues of the body appear to have adult stem cells available for regenerating cells in case of injury or disease. It was recently discovered that even brain neurons (previously thought to be non-dividing and irreplaceable in adults) have their own reservoirs of adult stem cells for regeneration. Unfortunately, as we age most adult stem cell populations either decline in number and/or lose the ability to differentiate into functional tissue-specific cells. For example, in many organs old folks have only half the number of stem cells found in young people. Thus, adult stem cells become more and more dysfunction with age, which progressively increases organ and tissue dysfunction with age. Memex 100TM offers a way to receive some of the benefits of stem cell therapy today by improving the effectiveness of your own adult stem cells.

The Many Benefits of Memex 100TM

  1. Better Memory, Cognition, and Coordination [see above graph]
  2. Adult stem cell rejuvenation [1-4, 48-49]
  3. Promotes stem cell self-renewal [55]
  4. A healthy cardiovascular system [5-8]
  5. Healthy blood glucose levels for those already in the normal range [9-13]
  6. Healthy blood pressure levels for those already in the normal range [14-15]
  7. Healthy cholesterol levels for those already in the normal range [9, 16-17]
  8. Younger looking skin [18-24]
  9. Better learning and focus [25-30]
  10. More endurance with vigorous exercise [31-35]
  11. A healthy immune system [31-32, 36-39]
  12. Healthy breasts, colon, pancreas, and prostate [40-46]
  13. Increases M-cholinergic receptor density in senile rats [50]
  14. Promotes cyto-protective autophagy [51]
  15. Has neuro-protective effects with selective binding to glutamate receptors [52-54]

The statements above have not been reviewed by the FDA. Memex 100TM is not a preventive or treatment for any disease.

Supplement Facts

Memex 100TM is a Patent-Pending Life CodeTM Nutraceutical.

All Life CodeTM products are pharmaceutical grade and provide the best of science along with the balance of nature.

Click label to enlarge

Memex 100TM Formulation and Use

Serving Size: One type O capsule

Servings Per Container: 60 Capsules

Recommended Use: Typical usage of Memex 100TM is two capsules per day, preferably at meal times. While both capsules can be taken at the same time, it is preferable to separate the two capsules by at least 4 hours. Since Memex 100TM is a potent formulation, do not take more than three capsules per day or two capsules of Memex 100TM and one capsule of Stem Cell 100TM One capsule per day of Memex 100TM may be sufficient for those below 110 pounds.

Recommended Users: Anyone from ages 22 and up could benefit from Memex 100TM. Those in their 20s and 30s will like the boost in endurance during sports or exercise, while older users will notice better energy, memory, and coordination.

Active Ingredients: There are eight natural components that make up the patent-pending combination in Memex 100TM. The herbal components are highly extracted natural herbs that are standardized for active components that promote neuronal function, adult stem cells, and lower inflammation:

1) Astragalus membranaceus root is one of the main essential components. In traditional Chinese medicine Astragalus is considered a true tonic that can strengthen debilitated patients and increase resistance to disease in general. Modern herbal treaTMents with Astragalus membranaceus root (often in concert with other herbs) are partly based on clinical trials showing benefits in strengthening immune function during viral (e.g. chronic hepatitis) or bacterial infection or in those individuals undergoing dialysis for kidney failure. In western herbal medicine, said Astragalus root is used to enhance immunity and to help in wound healing.

2) Berberine is a natural polyphenolic compound that is found in the Chinese herb Rhizoma coptidis and many other medicinal plants. Berberine is an essential component, as it interacts with neural proteins like tau and amyloid proteins and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. These pathways are strongly linked to longevity in our genetic and machine-learning screens and to neuronal function though the current literature.

3) Pterocarpus marsupium is another essential component of Memex 100TM because of its positive effects on increasing the insulin sensitivity pathway and reducing the inflammatory factors TNF-alpha and the prostaglandin PGE2. These pathways were identified as important for longevity and neuronal function in our genetic and machine-learning screens. Pterocarpus is widely used in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. The herb has a long history as a medicinal in Indian Ayurveda traditional medicine to treat diabetes, skin diseases, fractures, bruises, constipation, hemorrhages, ophthalmology and rheumatoid arthritis. Pterocarpus is the only herb found to regenerate pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin.

4) L-Theanine is a natural amino acid from Camellia sinesis that reduces mental stress and inflammation while improving cognition and protecting brain cells from ischemic or toxic injury. L-theanine alters novel longevity and neuronal genes identified in our genetic and machine-learning screens. Some of the targeted genes are trans-membrane proteins involved in the neuronal uptake of glutamate in the glutamatergic neurotransmitter signaling. Theanine is an analog of glutamine and glutamate and can cross the blood-brain barrier, so it has direct effects on the brain. Among its psychoactive properties, theanine is reported to reduce metal stress and improved cognition and mood via its expected binding to the GABA brain receptors in the parasympathetic nervous. Thus theanine appears to increase the overall level of the brain inhibitory transmitter GABA and is reported to promote alpha wave production in the brain.

5) Genistein is another important component of Memex 100TM. Genistein is a phytoestrogen isoflavone that acts on important longevity genes and the Estrogen Receptor, which are linked to longevity and neuronal function in our genetic and machine learning screens. Genistein also acts to down regulate beta-amyloid, glut-1 and presenilin. Genistein is also reported to increase autophagy and the antioxidant response. All of these additional functions promote longevity and neural function.

6) Piperine, which is a black pepper extract, is another important component. All of the other components are made more bioavailable by the inclusion of small amounts of piperine or the commercial piperine trademarked product BioPerine?. Besides providing greater bioavailability, piperine is also reported to improve memory in a rat animal model.

7) Lithium (as Lithium orotate) is also added as an important trace mineral. Lithium acts on several genetic pathways that are important for longevity and neuronal function. For example, lithium acts on a gene that codes a calcium-binding protein involved in neurotransmitter release. Other important neural pathways affected by lithium include autophagy, tau phosphorylation, and neural transmitter breakdown by acetylcholinesterase. These are very important pathways for neural function.

8 ) Selenium (as a selenium amino acid complex) is another trace mineral added to the blend. We have identified selenium to act on major genes involved in longevity and neural function. Selenium also acts as a cofactor in many selenoproteins, which can help prevent amyloid aggregation and aluminum detoxification.

Safety: The eight components in Memex 100TM are pharmaceutical grade and have been individually tested in both animals and humans without significant safety issues. Those with pre-existing conditions of diabetes or hypertension should coordinate this product with your doctor, as lower blood glucose or reduced blood pressure can result from taking the recommended dose of this product.

Warnings: may lower glucose and/or blood pressure in some individuals. The supplement is not recommended for pregnant, lactating, or hypoglycemic individuals.


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FDA Disclaimer: This product has not been approved by the FDA and is intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease.